Norway recognizes Palestine as an independent state

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LO supports Norway's decision on recognizing Palestine as an independent state. Her from a gathering in Oslo. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

Norway recognizes Palestine as an independent state

“This is something LO has been working on for a long time. We congratulate Norway and the Palestinians,” said Peggy Hessen Følsvik, the president of LO Norway.


Until now, 143 countries have recognized Palestine. The UN General Assembly has done the same. Now there are three more countries that recognize Palestine.

“Norway is in good company with Spain and Ireland. We are happy that we have a government that keeps what it promises, that stands by international law, and that we are united with other countries to contribute to a solution in the Middle East,” Hessen Følsvik added.

A long history of support

LO' s policy has been to support a democratic two-state solution and to recognize Palestine as its own state within the 1967 borders.

During its June 2022 Congress, LO declared a policy with 14 concrete measures to hold Israel to account for its violations of international law and reaffirmed its support for Palestinian independence.

Hessen Følsvik explained that the recognition contributes to give hope during a harrowing time.

The recognition is also a significant achievement for civil society, organizations, and volunteers who have devoted themselves to the Palestinian cause for a long time.

President of LO Norway, Peggy Hessen Følsvik.

No lasting peace with occupation

“There will be no lasting peace with continued occupation. Recognition is the best thing in the long run. We believe that recognition can contribute to Palestinian reconciliation, be an initiative for peace and for a future two-state solution and at the same time is a natural continuation of previous Norwegian policy,” stated Hessen Følsvik.

Contribution toward a solution

LO Norway hopes and believes that Norway’s formal recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state can help usher forth solutions to the acute crisis in the Middle East and bring parties to the negotiating table, which is also in Israel's interest.

Around 1,200 people were killed in Israel in the attack by Hamas on October 7th last year. To date, almost 36,000 people have been killed and 80,000 wounded by Israel in Gaza.

“The violence, the number of murders and the level of tension are also increasing in the West Bank. Hunger is ravaging, the health system has collapsed, and emergency aid is minimal. The crisis in the Middle East must be resolved through negotiations. Then it helps to have two equal parties at the negotiating table,” said Hessen Følsvik.


LO Norway

  • LO is also known as The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
  • LO has over 1 million members that represents workers and students from various fields and industries in Norway
  • The organisation was established in 1899
  • LO has a long history of supporting the Palestinian cause